Whether an issue concerning employment, dating status, time of year or some other factor has you wanting to make some big life changes, you’re in luck! Instead of dwelling on an unpleasant past, you can start fresh today in order to create a happy present and future. Jeffrey R. Holland has said that “every day ought to be the start of a new year and a new life.” Whether you’re looking to physically, financially, socially or emotionally redesign your life, here are a few tips and tricks to help you on your course. Physically Redesigning Your … [Read more...]
6 Simple Ways To Find Joy In Everyday Life
We likely all know the adage that when life gives us lemons, we’re simply supposed to make lemonade. If you don’t feel like you have any sugar or water, though, making lemonade is a pretty tall order. The truth is that we can find joy in the everyday of life, but only if we want to. Here are six ways to help us on our path to experiencing happiness daily. 1. Be grateful for everything you have When you don’t take time to appreciate your blessings, life can feel a whole lot harder than it actually is. Pity parties are all about what you don’t … [Read more...]
5 Daily Rituals That Will Greatly Contribute To Your Happiness
If you’re mentally and emotionally stuck in a rut, hoping to feel better about life but not quite sure on how to go about finding a solution, take comfort in knowing that we probably all have felt the same at one point or another. The ups and downs of life can wear a person out, leaving us feeling like hope and happiness are sometimes out of reach. Thankfully, there are some simple tricks we can use everyday to help get back the kick in our step. 1. See every person you come across as a future friend Too often we feel lonely but spend our … [Read more...]
10 Inspirational Quotes About Life – (The Most Inspiring Thoughts Ever Uttered By Man)
At least from time to time, we’re all in need of some good, inspirational quotations to help lift our spirits and remind us that we really can accomplish the innermost desires of our hearts. Here’s a quick list of ten of the most inspiring thoughts ever uttered by man. Best wishes on living the life you’ve always wanted to live. Those who stand at the threshold of life always waiting for the right time to change are like the man who stands at the bank of a river waiting for the water to pass so he can cross on dry land. - Joseph B. … [Read more...]