Color therapy is an alternative medicine approach intended to improve our mood, increase our energy, heighten our mental capabilities and promote health and balance. Although not everyone buys into the healing effects of color therapy, there are a variety of methods used throughout the world that are based in the basic principle that different colors can have different effects on the body and mind.
If you’re interested in what color therapy may be able to do for you, definitely look into the practice. As desired, you can search your neighborhood for a local color therapist office or you can simply incorporate some of the elements on your own. Depending on your preferences, you can find a therapy treatment using color in the form of light, fabric, water, crystals or even essential oils. With your personal situation and goals in mind, recognize what colors are ideal to heal or treat your specific conditions and find ways to better feature those particular shades in your life.
Looking at the Possible Healing Effects of Each Color
Red Like Blood
Red is known for stimulating the senses while providing energy and warmth. The empowering color is used to re-energize the heart, increase circulation and combat fatigue. If you’re looking to be more assertive, to increase your adrenalin, to raise your temperature, to overcome your inhibitions, to develop more competitiveness, to gain a greater degree of independence or to deepen your ability to love, the color red can be instrumental in bringing about your goals.
Orange Like the Fruit and Beautiful Flowers
The joyful color stimulates the body’s respiratory and digestive systems while fostering creative thinking and enthusiasm. The warm color is thought to help relieve muscle cramping and body spasms while increasing thoughts of kindness, positivity and celebration. To help you enjoy life, find prosperity and reach your goals, consider featuring orange more prominently in your life.
Yellow Like the Glowing Sun
Yellow can help stimulate the mind, awakening your faculties and paving the way for higher thinking. The color is also thought to be able to energize the muscles, treat nerve-related ailments, soothe pain, enhance digestion and combat depression. Bringing about vitality, communication and progress, this vibrant color can increase your intellectual capacities.
Green Like Leaves, Grass and Plants All Around
This soothing color can help you relax and become balanced. Green is thought to influence the cardiovascular system, regulating blood pressure and strengthening the heart. The peaceful color is also considered a cleansing agent with antimicrobial properties for a better immune system. Restoring peace and tranquility, you can benefit from the color of green by taking a walk through nature and letting a calm assurance come over you. Green and nature alike are all about growth, balance and harmony.
Blue Like the Ocean
The cooling color is known for having anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-irritation and anti-stress capabilities. Blue is used for reducing a fever, relieving headache pains, calming negative emotions and restoring order. If you feel like you’re lacking logic, guidance, rest, communication or patience, this sea-worthy color may be able to help you find what you’re looking for.
Purple Like Roman Emperors Wore
Purple is thought to purify the bloodstream, strengthen the eyes and free the mind and body from addiction. The royal color may be able to help decrease stress and pain while increasing your immunity and insight. Personally, my favorite color is purple and so I love keeping purple all around me.
White Like Fresh Snow
In the visible spectrum, white is the combination of all the colors and is considered perfect. In some cultures and religions, white is a sacred and meaningful color with great significance. White can increase consciousness, restore harmony and purify. Enlightenment, simplicity and cleanliness can all come from this fresh color.
Other Colors in the World
In some color therapy treatments, additional colors such as black, grey, brown, pink, magenta and turquoise are also used to call upon various healing properties. Feel free to ask your clinician about the possibility of these other colors having a positive effect given your particular circumstances.
Does Color Therapy Really Work?
In some ways, the practice of color therapy is like the practice of acupuncture. Although some people view acupuncture as a metaphysical means for changing one’s life force, others ignore such philosophical assertions and just like acupuncture techniques because of the medical benefits they feel from having various pressure points tended to. In regard to color therapy, some participants believe that their energy centers are harmoniously strengthened, but there are others who simply like the way they feel around certain colors.
Personally, I don’t buy into all of the claims surrounding color therapy. Will having red crystals placed around your body cure a multitude of cardiovascular problems? My guess is no. But, do I think that having orange decor in your room can help you feel positive and kind? Absolutely. I feel confident that colors can influence our mood and the way we think. If you’re completely doubtful about color therapy, there’s obviously no need for you to try out any related approaches, but if you’re curious about what a room or office makeover can do for you, consider taking some color therapy assertions into account when making decorating and accessorizing decisions.
When choosing an outfit to wear, picking up dinner or making other everyday choices, you can also think in terms of color therapy and make some wise decisions accordingly in order to boost your mood and increase your productivity. If you want to come across as powerful and assertive, women can wear a red blouse and men may want to opt for a red necktie. If you want to feel calm and balanced, go with a spinach salad. Think about how you want to feel and how you’re personally affected by different colors. Listening to your own body’s reaction is, of course, more important than relying on the general claims of color therapy so take your own opinions into account and go forward with strength.
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