One weapon in the dandruff-combatting arsenal of hair care is to use hot oil treatments to tend to your scalp, to restore a proper balance and to eliminate bothersome bacterial and fungal agents. Here’s a look at what kinds of oils are best, how to prepare the hot oil treatment against dandruff, how often to repeat the process and how to keep your hair looking good in between applications. Choosing Natural Oils to Use Experts may each have their own personal preferences when it comes to oil recommendations, but to the person at home sitting … [Read more...]
Best Organic Hair Products
There are many hair care brands competing today and each of them have its own standards when it comes to what ingredients are ideal, effective and safe for your hair. As consumers, we also each have our own opinions on what kind of products are best for our families. Some of us may require products with 100%-natural ingredients and others are satisfied by a socially-responsible company’s attempt to avoid the most harmful of substances even if a few low-risk synthetic preservatives crop up here and there. Regardless of where on the spectrum of … [Read more...]