Your beliefs about the world, your friends and even yourself can be needlessly limiting you. As you seek for the abundant life, it’s essential that you empower yourself to be all that you truly can be. Take a look at your views and identify what needs to be changed in order for you to reach your full potential. Determine Why You Think What You Do One of the first steps in changing how you think is understanding why you have the opinions that you do. For example, if you think you can’t ever have graduate college or have a successful career, … [Read more...]
How To Reprogram Your Limiting Beliefs With Affirmations
We all carry beliefs that limit our potential in one way or another. For example, many of us grew up with such misconceptions that money is the root of all evil and in order to become rich we have to take advantage of situations and people. At first, we naturally resist such ideas but as we go through our lives and more "evidence" shows up, we unconsciously reaffirm these beliefs and so we live accordingly. Money and success are not synonymous of course, however, since money plays such an important role in our lives the mindset we live with … [Read more...]